The most popular class, available in both bush and standard form. The flower stems are long and the blooms are shapely. The typical Hybrid Tea bears blooms which are medium-sized or large, with many petals forming a distinct central cone. The blooms are borne singly or with several side buds.
Second only to Hybrid Teas in popularity. The Floribunda bears its flowers in clusters or trusses, and several blooms open at one time in each truss. This class is unrivalled for providing a colourful, reliable and long-lasting bedding display, but in general the flower form is inferior to that of the Hybrid Tea.
A class which is increasing in popularity due to its novelty and versatility. Miniatures can be used for edging beds, growing in tubs and rockeries or taking indoors as temporary pot plants. Both leaves and flowers are small, and under normal conditions the maximum height does not exceed 15 in. Many varieties are considerably shorter.
Photo of Climbing Roses vine from succulent gardens
A class of roses which if tied to a support can be made to climb. There are two groups: Ramblers with long pliable stems, bearing large trusses of small flowers as a single summer flush, and Climbers with stiff stems, bearing flowers which are larger than Rambler blooms and may be repeat flowering.
Photo of Shrub Roses from Sunnyside Nursery
A large class of bush roses with only one feature in common- they are neither Hybrid Teas nor Floribundas. The typical Shrub is taller than a bedding rose, and is a Species variety (related to a wild rose), an Old-Fashioned variety (dating back to pre-Hybrid Tea days) or a Modern Shrub Rose.
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